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Configuring the Client

You1:02 PMYou need a few pieces of information to configure the client and server. This documentation is just for the client side.

  1. Start with a basic Wireguard template, save as wg0.conf

    PrivateKey = <Client Private Key from Step 2>
    ListenPort = 51820
    Address = 192.168.50.<NEXT FREE IP>/24
    DNS = #DNS Server available to the network
    PublicKey = <Tunnel Public Key from Wireguard Server>
    AllowedIPs =,, # Comma delimited list of networks/hosts to give client routes to
    Endpoint = <Wireguard Public IP Endpoint>:51820
  2. Generate a public and private key. This can be done on any system that has "wireguard-tools" installed

    wg genkey | tee privatekey | wg pubkey > publickey
    You1:17 PM

    The private key goes to the client, the public key goes to the Wireguard server configurations. See the Configuring PFSense section for details on where to use this Public Key.

  3. In Ubuntu's case, you must link addthe devresolvectl wg0binary typeto wireguardthe wgresolvconf setconfbinary wg0that myconfig.conf You1:35 PM ip link add dev wg0 type wireguard wg-quick "configassumes info.txt"is wg0used.

    You1:41 PM ip link del dev wg0 You2:10 PM You2:16 PM
    sudo ln -s /usr/bin/resolvectl /usr/local/bin/resolvconf
    You2:18 PM
  4. To test the configuration:

    wg-quick up ./wg0.conf
    ping <internal resource listed in the AllowedIPs section>
    ip route # Look for routes that go through wg0 interfaces
    wg-quick down ./wg0.conf
  5. Make the configuration persistent on the client: Then move your configuration file to the /etc/wireguard/ directory to enable an auto startup of the VPN on system boot.

    sudo mv ./wg0.conf /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf
    sudo systemctl enable wg-quick@wg0.service
    sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    sudo systemctl start wg-quick@wg0