Notes - Monday 12/28/20
12/28/20 Monday
Let's keep going with the Udemy course! We took a smol holiday break. Starting with boolean operators.
Boolean Comparison operators
== Equality: Checks to see if objects are equal to each other. Type of data matters so if you compare "2" = 2
it won't yield True since you're comparing a string to an integer. If you compare 'Bye' = 'bye'
it won't yield true since case matters.
!= Inequality: Checks to see if objects are UNequal to each other. So let's say you want to see if 4 is not equal to 5. Your syntax would be 4 != 5
and Python would yield True.
Greater Than: Checks to see if the objects are greater than each other.
< Less Than: Checks to see if the objects are less than each other.
Greater Than or Equal to: as described. Like the greater than and equality check together.
<= Less Than or Equal to: as described like the less than and equality check together.