Captain's Log Progress Report
Anson learns Python
Here's a progress log on what Anson learns on his Python journey. Just to keep track and see progress.
12/20/20 Sun
Starting! My 2 week goal is to create the game Snake in Python. So I can kickstart my new game dev studio.
I got overwhelmed with options for edtiors and went with Visual Studio Code ("VS Code") which was recommended by the jwaz nerd chat. Mu will be my backup as I'm currently not sure how VSCode will work with the Pybadge or how to get a REPL working.
Below is an example code we were to use to teach us how to save a .py file in Sublime or another text editor.
print('hello world') hello world
I can open Jupyter notebooks through the actual Jupyter Lab program by running jupyter-lab in the CLI. That will open something up in the browser which I can navigate around in. Or I can open the notebooks up in VSCode which I like since the one app can open up my code, my own notebooks, and the notebooks from the class.