Captain's Log Progress Report
Anson learns Python
Here's a progress log on what Anson learns on his Python journey. Just to keep track and see progress.
12/20/20 Sun
Starting! My 2 week goal is to create the game Snake in Python. So I can kickstart my new game dev studio.
Learned how Visual Studio Code ("VSCode"), git, and Jupyter notebook worked. Setup note taking log on Phil's Notes Bookstack (Thanks Phil). Created Jupyter notebook for local notetaking for Anson. Created alias to backup files to backup hard drives.
In the Udemy course, I learned:
- Data Types
- Numbers
- Variable Assignments
- Strings
- String Indexing
- String Slicing
12/21/20 Mon
Did some research to see what libraries were available for the PyBadge in CircuitPython. Found code that someone made to create snake in micropython. Wondering if that can translate to my pybadge.
In the course today, I learned about:
- String Properties
- Print formatting with strings
- Lists
12/22/20 Tues
Discovered VSCode will let me edit Markdown files and has a live preview. VSCode is easy and comfortable for me to use so having the ability to edit Markdown notes for my personal notes, Pathfinder notes, and other stuff is GREAT. Updated my Gunpla wishlist.
In the course today, I learned about:
- Dictionaries
- Tuples
- Sets
- Boooleans
- Manipulating files within Jupyter Notebooks and Python 3
Then took the 00-Python Object and Data Structure Basics assessment!
12/28/20 Mon
After a smol holiday break, I'm working on the Udemy course again. Today I learned about:
- Comparison/Boolean Operators in Python
- Chaining Comparison/Boolean Operators
- And
- Or
- Not
12/30/20 Wed
More Udemy coursework. Today I learned about:
- Control Flow - if/else/elif Statements