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Baby's 1st Steps

Let's Learn Docker

Phil likes Docker and it's something useful to learn. And LastPass is taking away my free service so I need to DIY a password manager. Here's some notes


Bitwardenrs as the jumping off point

Bitwarden basic commands - Imperative vs Declarative

Let's use this command to install bitwardenrs but also as a way to learn basic docker stuff

sudo docker run -d --name bitwarden -v ~/bwdata/:/data/ --restart=always -p 80:80 bitwardenrs/server:latest

  • docker = command like sudo
  • run = verb - it provides actions and creates the container by downloading an image and then tries to start it. docker has command options so the -X options. For example the -zavh options you specified in rsync
  • -p 8999:80 = port map from container (docker)to the host (server aka rpi). so 8999 is my IRL port that is on my network. I'd port forward it on the router if i wanted to expose the service to the actual internet. I don't have to do this. 80 is the port the container thinks it's seeing.
  • -v urhostfolder:urcontainerfolder = volume mount aka what folders are you using. Like the port map, you setup a folder path location in the host (~/docker for example) and then a folder path location for in the new container.
  • restart=always = this sets it so the container restarts whenever it goes down. Could be because of power outage, restarting the server, etc.
    • If I want to stop the container myself, I'd run docker stop
  • --name bitwarden = this is the name of hte container. it's there for me to reference later
  • :latest = this specifies the version of the image I'm looking for. in this case, i want the latest bitwardenrs

So I could run docker with all these options but there's another way. Above is the imperative way of running docker. So I'm telling docker EXACTLY what I want it to do. I could also run things declarative. So I could tell docker what I'd like it to do and have docker fill in the details. See this link for more info. So think C vs Python. That terminology is lifted from programming I guess.

Let's try it again but now using docker-compose.

  1. Install docker-compose
    • For normal people: sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
    • For RPi: sudo curl -L --fail -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
  2. Create a docker-compose.yaml in /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
    • In my case I'd be setting up for bitwarden. Put this in the folder you've setup for all docker info to live. for me it's ~/docker
    image: bitwardenrs/server:latest
      - <hostfolder>:<containerfolder>
      - "8999:80"
  1. Run docker-compose up -d in /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
  2. Hopefully you did the thing! In my case, I have bitwarden up on <ur-rpi-ip-here>:8999. If you install and run docker on the same machine (I'm running it through my server), then you could use localhost/#/


Need to setup ssl authentication - SWAG server

So I can't use bitwarden as is because it needs SSL. So now I need to setup a SWAG SSL authentication server so I don't have to worry about this again.

First problem is that Nextcloud is using port 443. This is what SWAG will use for the DNS authentication so I need to move the Nextcloud server to a different port.

  1. Run sudo netstat -apn | grep LIST to find all ports being used and pick a port under 20000 that isn't used. I chose 8888 for nextcloud.
  2. Port forward port 8888 in the router.
    • For me it's -> Port Forwarding -> Create IPV4 -> leave the left side alone and right side put in the RPi's internal network IP address (ipconfig to find out) and then 8888 in the two boxes below
  3. Edit these three files:
    • sudo vim /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf - make the first line
    • sudo vim /etc/apache2/ports.conf - comment out Listen 80, add in a line Listen 8888 underneath, set the other two listen to 1443 ports
    • sudo vim /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/nextcloud.conf - update second line
  4. Run sudo systemctl restart apache2 to restart apache2
  5. Run docker restart swag
  6. See if Nextcloud is up and running again

Now install your service with docker-compose.

  1. Create a docker-compose.yaml file
  2. Edit this yaml file using this as an example
    image: bitwardenrs/server:latest
      - /data:/data
      - "8999:80"
    restart: unless-stopped
  1. Save and run docker-compose up -d
  2. You did it!

Now we can get the docker subdomain working from the proxy confs folder

  1. Look for all the subdomains available: sudo ls /home/tactilezine/docker/swag/nginx/proxy-confs/
  2. You should see file names like nextcloud.subdomain.conf.sample
  3. To get the subdomains working, change the file from .conf.sample to .conf
  4. Then edit the file sudo vim /home/tactilezine/docker/swag/nginx/proxy-confs/nextcloud.subdomain.conf
  • find the line starting with $upstream_app and then put in your host ip
  • find the line starting with $upstream_port and change the port to 1443
  • find the line starting with $upstream_porto and change it to https
  1. Run docker restart swag and it should now yield your service and subdomain!