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Baby's 1st Steps

Let's Learn Docker

WordsPhil cominglikes soon.Docker Watchand it's something useful to learn. And LastPass is taking away my free service so I need to DIY a password manager. Here's some notes


Bitwardenrs as the jumping off point

Bitwarden basic commands - Imperative vs Declarative

Let's use this spacecommand to install bitwardenrs but also as a way to learn basic docker stuff

sudo docker run -d --name bitwarden -v ~/bwdata/:/data/ --restart=always -p 80:80 bitwardenrs/server:latest

  • docker = command like sudo
  • run = verb - it provides actions and creates the container by downloading an image and then tries to start it. docker has command options so the -X options. For example the -zavh options you specified in rsync
  • -p 8999:80 = port map from container (docker)to the host (server aka rpi). so 8999 is my IRL port that is on my network. I'd port forward it on the router if i wanted to expose the service to the actual internet. I don't have to do this. 80 is the port the container thinks it's seeing.
  • -v urhostfolder:urcontainerfolder = volume mount aka what folders are you using. Like the port map, you setup a folder path location in the host (~/docker for example) and then a folder path location for in the new container.
  • restart=always = this sets it so the container restarts whenever it goes down. Could be because of power outage, restarting the server, etc.
    • If I want to stop the container myself, I'd run docker stop
  • --name bitwarden = this is the name of hte container. it's there for me to reference later
  • :latest = this specifies the version of the image I'm looking for. in this case, i want the latest bitwardenrs

So I could run docker with all these options but there's another way. Above is the imperative way of running docker. So I'm telling docker EXACTLY what I want it to do. I could also run things declarative. So I could tell docker what I'd like it to do and have docker fill in the details. See this link for more info. So think C vs Python. That terminology is lifted from programming I guess.

Let's try it again but now using docker-compose.

  1. Install docker-compose
    • For normal people: sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
    • For RPi: sudo curl -L --fail -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
  2. Create a docker-compose.yaml in /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
    • In my case I'd be setting up for bitwarden. Put this in the folder you've setup for all docker info to live. for me it's ~/docker
    image: bitwardenrs/server:latest
      - <hostfolder>:<containerfolder>
      - "8999:80"
  1. Run docker-compose up -d in /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
  2. Hopefully you did the thing! In my case, I have bitwarden up on <ur-rpi-ip-here>:8999. If you install and run docker on the same machine (I'm running it through my server), then you could use localhost/#/